The previous year of 2020 brought in an opportunity to dive into the titles I have been wanting to read for a while. Through the dive, I’ve found my current favorite classic by Betty Smith.

The book acknowledges how one starts to see things differently as they grow up. In a good sense of a way, I related to the protagonist, Francie. I admired how observant and introspective she was. Instead of letting the world take a toll on her, she allowed growing up be to be an opportunity to stay down-to-earth. Additionally, I like how she has educational pursuits. In my opinion, the importance of reading, writing, and being able to express one's self is one of the items this novel brings to light.
What latched me on to the book is when I related it to my own life. I think there has been instances from the past that I tried to hide or make a better light of. I see how that perfect and polished cover-up is not something I should value as much. I feel that standing my ground on who I was can be an asset.